Golden Ratio


You have probably seen a Truth of the MKT (TOTM) FISHERMAN wearing a purple cap with the number 1.618.

  • The mathematical number, 1.618, is called phi and it appears in structures of nature. 1.618 shows that our universe was intelligently designed and not a cosmic coincidence.
  • The tail of a seahorse displays the mathematical formula of 1.618, as well as a seashell, and all kinds of flowers / plants display the mathematical formula 1.618. This magical number is found in the spiraling winds of a hurricane, in deadly tornados, as well as the ratio of 1.618 being found in galaxies and planets.

1.618 is also called the “Divine Golden Ratio” and it sets the standard of beauty. This ratio is found in the proportions of your face and even in the spacing of your teeth.

  • Did you know….from your toes to your belly button is 1.618 times longer than your belly button to the top of your head?

1.618 is so appealing that it is used in architecture and the design of web sites. In Exodus 25:10, GOD commanded Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant. “You shall make an ark…….., two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, and one and a half high.”

  • This ratio is as close to phi (1.618) as you can get with simple numbers. The dimensions GOD gave for the construction of the Ark, in Genesis 6:15 are also extremely close to phi (1.618).
  • There is no way that our world could have been randomly formed, then evolved, into a perfect ratio (1.618).

The ancient Greeks, beginning with Pythagoras, observed certain patterns and number relationships occurring in nature.

  • This occurrence, they said, explained the harmony and beauty found in nature because it related to the science of numbers.
  • The Fibonacci Numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc., discovered in the year 1200 by Leonardo da Pisa, have special properties that yield some amazing results.

The GOLDEN RATIO of 1.618 is obtained by taking the ratio of successive numbers in the Fibonacci series. The numbers and the GOLDEN RATIO are found just about anywhere you want to look. When used in technical analysis of the socio-economical movement of stocks, the golden ratio is typically translated into three percentages: 38.2%, 50% and 61.8%. There are four primary methods for applying the Fibonacci sequence to finance: retracements, arcs, fans and time zones.

  • They are found in probability and statistics, in plants and their growth patterns, in the genealogy of the bee, in the behavior of light and atoms, in the spirals of a Nautilus Seashell, in heavenly Galaxies, in the formation of the horns on mountain sheep, in elephant tusks, in the arrangement of the petals on a flower, in the seeds on a sunflower and on pine cones, in the ocean wave pounding on the shore, in a hurricane, and even in the height of a person as it relates to the height of their navel etc.….

In the year 1200, Man discovered what had already been planted in nature by our Heavenly FATHER. THE TRUTH OF THE MKT (TOTM) Financial Literacy School uses the GOLDEN RATIO extensively in the probability determination of Target Prices, Target Time, and for the price movement of Stocks.